It happened in my career as well. I also developed yet another framework for automating system testing testcases.
First of all, I went through few blogs/presentations/posts to see If I can use any existing frameworks. There were so many content for Selenium and other web-based test frameworks. But my situation called for developing a new one. So, I built this on a basic idea. This idea has been repeated for numerous times in numerous websites. It goes as follows,
As you can see, It is a very simple yet powerful and widely used design. Here, the Automation Server holds all my scrips (Perl, Expect, Shell, Python ..etc) and few of these scripts runs on SUT and other few runs on AS itself. Actual test scenarios runs on SUT and logs are collected, then copied to Reports and Logs Server. URLs of these logs and other information are updated in database. When the test is completed, you get a URL to see the report. The presentation server takes care of tabulating and presenting the reports. In fact this Reports and Logs Server is a NFS mounted on Presentation Server.
But wait, who will initiate the test? There comes Jenkins!
Yes, you are right. Above framework is a part of our Continuous Integration architecture. Anyway, it was interesting to setup my own framework, though the same has been done by millions of other people.
First of all, I went through few blogs/presentations/posts to see If I can use any existing frameworks. There were so many content for Selenium and other web-based test frameworks. But my situation called for developing a new one. So, I built this on a basic idea. This idea has been repeated for numerous times in numerous websites. It goes as follows,
As you can see, It is a very simple yet powerful and widely used design. Here, the Automation Server holds all my scrips (Perl, Expect, Shell, Python ..etc) and few of these scripts runs on SUT and other few runs on AS itself. Actual test scenarios runs on SUT and logs are collected, then copied to Reports and Logs Server. URLs of these logs and other information are updated in database. When the test is completed, you get a URL to see the report. The presentation server takes care of tabulating and presenting the reports. In fact this Reports and Logs Server is a NFS mounted on Presentation Server.
But wait, who will initiate the test? There comes Jenkins!
Yes, you are right. Above framework is a part of our Continuous Integration architecture. Anyway, it was interesting to setup my own framework, though the same has been done by millions of other people.